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  • Writer's pictureNikki

5 ways to start your switch to low-tox beauty

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

(Some items and links in this blog are affiliates. I make a small commission from you purchasing through them, but they do not cost you extra. This helps support this blog.)

Call me crunchy, granola, or a hippy at heart; the low-tox lifestyle has me in a choke hold. If you've ever wanted to dip your toes in the "clean" waters of the less toxic movement, you've come to the right place.

I'm going to walk you through the easy switches you can make to reduce your toxic levels in your home, your body, and your carbon footprint - even if you don't care about any of those things.

Turn on your TV for 10 minutes and you will see that our economy is in the trash, our earth is dying, and we are sicker as a collective people than we ever have been in history. Our food system is flooded with GMO's and pesticide resistant crops, skincare contains formaldehyde and lead, and don't even get me started on how most laundry detergents can make you infertile.

I know I sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but when I had cancer, I really started researching why BigPharma was keen to pump me full of poison that came with lovely paperwork explaining more people die of the treatment than the actual illness, rather than encourage me to take herbs, drink tea, meditate, and go to the chiropractor.

Ok, ok, I'll reel it in, I don't want you to think I'm nuts (well not more than I ACTUALLY am). So let talk about the items that are the easiest to change when wanting to try low-tox living, where to get them, and why they rock!

Deodorant: Deodorant was my very first non toxic purchase. I had gone aluminum free for about 6 months before I switched over to Native. I polled my instagram audience and it seemed like the most popular. NO Baking soda was a must apparently - it irritates your pits. I didn't personally detox first, but if you did, there are products such as the megababe detox soap and scrub that help. What I didn't realize is Native uses fragrance oils in their scented deodorants - and those can still cause lots of issues in your endocrine system, so I have since switched to Just Ingredients. Their deodorants are made with essential oils, beeswax, and vitamin E. They also have a cream deodorant that's like a lotion - you can put that stuff anywhere, and for a plus size girl - its a miracle! Under the apron, between you B Belly, under the boobs, between the thighs, under your love handles, even on your labia - yes I said labia on my blog! **Just to note, when switching to a non toxic deodorant, they aren't as smooth as traditional deodorants, so I warm mine up for 2-3 seconds with the blowdryer before using it in the morning and it does the trick to keep it from tugging on my skin.

To Shop underarm deodorant CLICK HERE.

To Shop all over deodorant CLICK HERE.

USE CODE Bshapedbody to save 10%!

Body Wash: I have two picks, one - Dr.Bronner's soap - diluted! When you buy these big bottles, they need to be watered down! But they smell amazing and leave you feeling incredibly clean. If you're familiar with remedy soap that I have recommended in the past, it has a very similar texture to the skin. My second pick is actually an addition to your shower routine and that is a home made sugar scrub. You can find my recipe here.

Skin Care: Taking care of my skin is like a love language to me, but so is staying on a budget. So when I found out my favorite skincare line was clean, I about lost it! My skin is fairly dry, so I love a line that can supply me baby's butt skin all over my face and E.L.F. does that! For around $75 you can purchase an entire morning and night skincare system - that's less than most line's moisturizer alone. Check out my favorite products here.

Laundry Detergent: We tried SO MANY "non-toxic" laundry detergents that either left our clothes smelling like mildew, couldn't lift a stain out to save their lives, cost an arm and a leg, or clogged up our washing machine. We were fed up, so we took to YouTube to find a solution. Our favorite by far is this recipe from My Merry Messy German Life! In fact, she has household cleaner recipes for almost everything, we also love her tags you can buy here, or print your own, because you can put them on your reusable bottles and they have the recipe on them at all times! No more searching the internet every time you run out of cleaner!

Perfume: I had no idea how bad perfume was for your body. But when I learned I stopped wearing it all together, then my friend Kristle over at KristleLauren on IG, suggested DIME, and the best part is they have a sample pack thats $25 so you can try all of their most popular scents and discover which you like the best. They are cruelty-free and vegan, hypoallergenic, and made with naturally derived and safe synthetic ingredients. My favorite scents are 7 summers, Dans Les Bois, and I love your scent baby (ILYSB). Check them out here and use code BSHAPEDBODY20 to get 20% off!

So there you have it, the first things I recommend you switch over to when going low or no-tox in your life! If you have any questions or want to see more on non toxic living, make sure to leave a comment down below! Oh, and before you, don't forget your foil hat...I kid...kinda.

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