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What is a 30X30 and how do I use it?

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

(This post contains affiliate links that I make a small commission from. They come at absolutely no cost to you, they just support keeping this blog going! Thank you for shopping my links!)

You've probably heard the term "capsule wardrobe" before, maybe you've even attempted one! But have you ever heard of the term 30X30? Essentially the difference between a capsule wardrobe and a 30X30 is the items that you pick and how many.

Traditionally, capsule wardrobes are great for women that wear casual, preppy, or classic style clothing. If you look them up on Pinterest, you'll see wardrobes with white button downs, straight leg jeans, black blazers, denim jackets, and essential t-shirts. Not that there is anything wrong with a capsule like this, but let's say you generally dress more Boho, or sporty, or even romantic? You don't really fit into the "capsule" mold. Capsules are also meant for you to purchase items to complete them so they always work.

Enter the 30X30! 30 items, 30 days, all from your current closet - in your style! That it, you simply pick 30 items, that is - bottoms, tops, shoes, topper pieces, and dresses or jumpsuits - any combination that strikes your fancy, and mix and match them to your hearts desire over the next 30 days.

I like to encourage you to use a mixture of items you LOVE and gravitate towards on the daily, along with a few curve balls. You know, like that sweater you bought two years ago and it still has the tags on it because you don't know what to wear it with? Or that dress you bought for a bridal shower but you have no idea what else to do with it, so it just collects dust in the back corner next to your t-shirts from college and those shorts you meant to get rid of because they no longer fit.

And now you get creative! I encourage you to take pictures of each item individually and give them a name, ie. shirt 1, shirt 2, pants 1, pants 2, etc. Take a pen to paper and start making combinations! Shirt 1, pants 3, topper 2, shoes 1! Jumpsuit 2, topper 2, Shoes 3! Some combos won't work on paper but will work in person and vice versa! But thats the fun part, getting to be creative, think outside of the box, and have fun! After all, if you don't like the combo you have on, grab something else and try it!

This also give you perspective into what you actually own. Does your wardrobe reflect your true style? Do you even know what your style is? Do the colors all work together or are they a miss match at every turn? These are questions we can solve in my course, What in the Wardrobe!

But if you're not ready to take a huge leap yet, you're more than welcome to download my freebie, baby's first capsule! I'll take you through this whole process, plus I have a print out to help you sort those outfits! It also will take you through what is and what isn't included so you can start making your first 30X30 today!

And speaking of, here is my first 30X30 that I've done on B Shaped Body! We just started, so I'll be posting outfits as we go too to help give you some info!

Not all items are still available, but I have tried to link as much as I can HERE and HERE.

I tried to pick a variety of silhouettes, colors, over sized and fitted, boho and more traditional, plus tops that could layer like the body suit. Since we're in the middle of Texas Winter, which means one day its 80 degrees and the next it's 23, I picked a mix of sleeve lengths, fabrics, and overall feel. You'll notice some of these are more dressy, for days I need to go to work, the others are more casual for days I sit on my computer and write blog posts - its called balance!

I'm not usually a skirt girl, so I only picked one - but this particular one has been in my closet over 6 months with the tag still on, yes, I do it too! I also wanted to pick jeans I knew I would be comfortable in, a pair of flares for Western Wednesday's, and then mix in some different colors of denim as well as different textures of pants. The joggers I chose are actually a sweater material and are so nice on comfy days because they automatically look more elevated!

I am a boho girl through and through, so I LOVE me a topper piece! I had to really pump the breaks because I would have ended up with 2 shirts, 2 pants, and 26 kimonos if I wasn't careful! I picked a few that are newer and that haven't been worn much, a vest that I bought last winter and NEVER wore, and my beloved One Scout which can double as a shirt on its own. It really is my most worn item in my entire closet next to pants!

So, I do this weird thing, where I love to BUY dresses, but I don't love to WEAR dresses! I really have got to stop that! I literally will buy a dress for a photo, tuck it into the abyss that is my closet, and never see it again! But jumpsuits...well, jumpsuits are a different story! Much like kimono's, I could wear a jumpsuit every day and be happy as a clam. This black one I had recently picked up from Three Bird Nest, one of my favorite boho online boutiques, and the second are a pair of overalls I got from Arula a few months back, but have only worn once! I really wanted to give them some life, so that's why I pulled them into this challenge.

Shoes were hard! I actually picked shoes three times. At the very beginning, thinking I could chose items based off of them - I started with 6 pairs. Switched three pairs out in the middle, then dropped one all together, and then finally settled at the end with 4. One pair for Western Wednesdays, a pair of sandals - remember, Texas Winter! A brand new pair of hightop's, which Im still breaking in, and my Golden Goose knock offs I got last year at Walmart! They actually have several pairs this year that are super cute!

So that is the wrap up of my items I chose for my first 30X30! Again, don't forget to download the FREEBIE, and get started on your first 30X30! Don't forget to check back from time to time to see the outfits I put together!

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